
Hagiography and Theophany: Visual Narratives of Zhenwu in the Ming



  • Noelle Giuffrida (Vassar College)

      Abstract: Zhenwu, the Perfected Warrior, reached the peak of his popularity in China during the Ming (1368-1644). The production and dissemination of visual narrative collections played a key role in strengthening and spreading the Daoist god’s cult. The fifteenth century woodblock-printed Wudang jiaqing tu [Pictures of Joyful Celebrations on (Mount) Wudang] and the early seventeenth century edition of the vernacular novel Beiyou ji [Journey to the North] were each fashioned to serve diverse audiences. Editors combined illustrations of episodes from Zhenwu’s hagiography, depictions of his contemporaneous theophanies and miraculous deeds, along with representations of his forceful conversion of other deities to create collections that demonstrate the wide social range of Zhenwu devotees and shifting beliefs about the god’s powers. An analysis of the selection, sequence, and representation of the stories indicates the appeal of specific episodes and demonstrates how they were adapted for different audiences. Study of these surviving collections reveals how each contributed to the permeation of visual narratives of the god into many levels of Ming society, serving as vehicles of spiritual and commercial benefit for editors and publishers while also helping to transmit and maintain Zhenwu’s cult among the people.

武当新闻录入:张红艳    责任编辑:张红艳 

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